Money Games : The Inside Story of How American Dealmakers Saved Korea's Most Iconic Bank


Money Games
: The Inside Story of How American Dealmakers Saved Korea's Most Iconic Bank










Money Games is a riveting tale of one of the most successful buyout deals ever: the acquisition and turnaround of what used to be Korea’s largest bank by the American firm Newbridge Capital.

Full of intrigue and suspense, this insider's account is told by the chief architect of the deal itself, the celebrated author and private equity investor Weijian Shan. With billions of dollars at stake, and the nation's economic future on the line, Newbridge Capital sought to become the first foreign firm in history to take control of one of Korea’s most beloved financial institutions.

In a proud country still reeling from a humiliating International Monetary Fund bailout in the Asian Financial Crisis, Newbridge Capital had to muster every ounce of skill, determination, and patience to bring the deal to closing.

Shan takes readers inside the battle to win control of the bank―a delicate, often exasperating process that meant balancing the goals of Newbridge with those of the government, bank employees, and Korea's powerful industrial titans.

Finally, the author describes how Newbridge transformed and rebuilt the struggling bank into a shining example of modern banking―as well as a massively profitable investment. In the secret world of private equity, few buyouts have been written about with such clarity, detail, and insight―and none with such completeness, covering not only the dealmaking but also the transformation and eventual exit of the investment.

For anyone who has ever wondered how private equity investors strike bargains, turn around businesses, and create immense value―or anyone interested in a captivating story of high-stakes money-making―this book is a must-read.


WEIJIAN SHAN is Chairman and CEO of PAG, a leading private equity firm. Previously, he was a partner at the private equity firm TPG and co-managing partner of TPG-Asia (formerly known as Newbridge Capital), a managing director at JP Morgan, and a professor at the Wharton School. He holds an MA and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MBA from the University of San Francisco. He is the author of the bestselling memoir Out of the Gobi: My Story of China and America.

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Top rated, a Chinese lead the private equity acquire the biggest bank in South Korean.I can’t even describe the journey and exhaustion and desperation during the course. All efforts made to the destin…

太懂人了,是小说家类型的懂人而不是management lecturer的communication skill。听过单先生的讲座,他是我见过第一个会说this is an unfair system的投资人。

文风和Out of the Gobi很一致,就是事无巨细的记叙,大概是人老了就会想记录下自己生命中那些重要事件…开头和中间和Gobi一样常常让人读不下去,中间经历了数次停下又捡起来继续读,但读下去了就发现精彩处和Gobi一样在最后一部分,即投资退出的过程。读完一大感受就是,这个行业真的是即使做到了MD也没有消停的一天啊…

春节期间重新拾起读了一年没读完的《杜甫评传》,为此翻开讲谈社《绚烂的世界帝国:隋唐时代》,贯穿隋唐历史的对高丽的屡败屡战,则勾起了把Money Game读完的兴趣——一个中国人带领美国私募股权基金收购韩国第一银行。如果说《走出戈壁》是一部经典,Money Games则算一本好书,对私募股权投资从业者和对亚洲金融危机感兴趣的人之外的读者群,很难想象可以卒读。对我来说更重要的是,则是单先生的语言,他有…


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