Only the Paranoid Survive : How to Exploit the Crisis Points That Challenge Every Company


Only the Paranoid Survive
: How to Exploit the Crisis Points That Challenge Every Company











Under Andy Grove’s leadership,Intel has become the worlds largest chip maker and one of the most admired companies in the world.In only the Paranoid Survive, Grove reveals his strategy of focusing on a new way of measuring the nightmare moment every leader dreads——when massive change occurs and a company must,yirtually overnight adapt or fall by the wayside.Grove calls such a moment a Strategic Inflection Point,which can be set off by almost anything:mega-competition, a change in regulations, or a seemingly modest change in technology. When a Strategic Inflection Point hits, the ordinary rules of business go out the window. Yet man-aged right, a Strategic Inflection Point can be and opportunity to win in the marketplace and emerge stronger than ever. Grove underscores his message by examining his own record of success and failure, including how he navigated the events of the Pentium flaw, which threatened Intel's reputation in 1994, and how he has dealt with the explosions in growth of the Internet. The work of a lifetime, Only the Paranoid Survive is a classic of managerial and leadership skills.

  "This book is about one super-important concept. You must learn about Strategic Inflection Points, because sooner or later you are going to live through one."_STEVE JOBS, CEO, PIXAR ANIMATION STUDIOS

  "Andy explains…with modesty that cannot conceal his brilliance, how he has led Intel through changes and challenges that many companies could not cope with…The country will benefit from his vision."_REED HUNDT, CHAIRMAN, FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION




Andrew S. Grove emigrated to the United States from Hungary in 1956. He participated in the founding of Intel, and became its president in 1979 and chief executive officer in 1987. He was chosen as Time magazine's Man of the Year in 1997. In 1998, he stepped down as CEO of Intel, but continues as chairman of the board. Grove also teaches a course in strategy at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, and is the author of three previous books, including the bestselling High Output Management. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Preface:Only the Paranoid Survive

Chapter 1:Something Changed

What Happened to Us

"That Guy is Always the Last to Know"

Chapter 2:A "10X" Change

The Six Forces Affecting a Business

A "10X"Force

The Strategic Inflection Point

Chapter 3:The Morphing of the Computer Industry

Before the Strategic Inflection Point

After the Strategic Inflection Point

Winners and Losers

The New Rules of the Horizontal Industry

Chapter 4:They're Everywhere


评论 ······

在看的书都会相互联系到,这本就是intel ceo写的,和之前的硅谷之谜相映成辉。看这个ceo如何解决业务里的困难,其实这些现在还在发生着


喜欢。10x force, silver bullet test, Cassandra, what you do and what you say…, be ur own CEO. To be summarized



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