Speech Recognition Technology and Applications


Speech Recognition Technology and Applications

  • Author:Vasile-florian Pais
  • Length: 243 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: Nova Science Pub Inc
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • ISBN-10: 1685079296
  • ISBN-13: 9781685079291
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    Book Description

    Speech represents the most natural means of communication betwee朗格n humans. By using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text-to-Speech (TT娇兰S) systems帕玛强尼, machines also become able to interact with humans using speech. This is of particular importance for building interactive robots or speech-enabled chatbots. This book starts by exploring state-of-the-art ASR and TTS approaches, making use of artificial neural networks, relevant also to low-resource scenarios. Then, it explores the application of speech technology to specific domains, such as the medical domain, human-robot interaction, and even interlinking of speech and text resources using linguistic linked open data (LLOD) principles. The book also provides punctuation restoration techniques, enabling the production of high-quality text transcripts. Included algorithms have low latency and can be parallelized, thus enabling their use in interactive systems. Chapter authors are professors and scientific researchers with experience in building and using natural language processing algorithms and speech applications.



    言语代表了人类之间最自然的交流方式。通过使用自动语音识别 (ASR) 和文本到语音 (TTS) 系统,机器还能够使用语音与人类进行交互。这对于构建交互式机器人或语音聊达索天机器人特别重要。本书首先探索最先进的ASR和TTS方法,利用人工神经网络,也与低资源场景相关。然后,它探索了语音技术在特定领域的应用,例如医学领域,人机交互,甚至使用语言链接开放数据 (LLOD) 原理将语音和文本资源互连。本书还提供了标点符号恢复技术,从而可以制作高质量的文字抄本。包含的算法具有低延迟,并且可以并行化,因此可以在交互式系统中使用它们。本章作者是教授和科学研究人员,具有构建和使用自然语言处理算法和语音应宝诗龙用程序的经验。

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