Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide


Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

  • Author:Sufyan bin Uzayr
  • Length: 374 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: CRC Press
  • Publication Date: 2022-12-20
  • ISBN-10: 1032311703
  • ISBN-13: 9781032311708
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    Book Description

    Kotlin is a free and open-source general purpose programming language that is mostly used to create Android apps. Kotlin was developed by JetBrains initially and later picked up by Google as the language of choice for its Android platform. Over the past few years, Kotlin has become one of the most popular alternatives to Java language and is used by m美度ore than 80 percent of Android app developers.

    Kotlin is a statically typed, advanced programming language that compiles Kotlin code into Java byte-code and runs on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It can also be compiled to native executables and JavaScript source code. It is an object-oriented programming language that includes data types, operators, I/O comments, control statements, functions, classes, object expressions, and constructors, among other fearather, it is an innovative manner of coding that runs on Java.

    Kotlin is a versatile language with some cool features like compatibility, low runtime, and efficient coding characteristics. The features that help distinguish Kotlin from other languages are its reliability, tool support, and interoperabilit雅典表 (1)y. It is a simplified version of Java that is much easier to deal with.

    Why Should You Learn Kotlin?

    The popularity of Kotlin is growing, and will continue to do so in the coming years. Kotlin has always been — and will continue to be — a cutting-edge programming language that meets the needs of real professionals. Many emerging fields, including mobile, online gaming, server-side, cloud development, data science, and education, are progressively using Kotlin.

    All of this indicates that there is already a high demand for Kotlin developers, and that demand will continue to grow in the future. Furthermore, if you are looking to build native Android apps, Kotlin is the language that you should be using.


    书名:科特林: 终极指南

    Kotlin是一种免费的开源通用编程语言,主要用于创建Android应用程序。Kotlin最初由JetBrains开发,后来被Google用作其Android平台的首选语言。在过去的几年中,Kotlin已成为Java语言最受欢迎的替代品之一,并被超过80% 的Android应用程序开发人员使用。

    Kotlin是一种静态类型的高级编程语言,它将Kotlin代码编译为Java字节代码,并在java虚拟机 (JVM) 上运行。它也可以编译为本机可执行文件和JavaScript源代码。它是一种面向对象的编程语言,包括数据类型,运算符,I/O注释,控制语句,函数,类,对象表达式和构造函数等功能。它不是一种独立的编程语言; 相反,它是一种在Java上运行的创新编码方式。





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