Financial Modelling in Power BI: Forecasting Business Intelligently


Financial Modelling in Power BI: Forecasting Business Intelligently

  • Author:Jonathan LiauLiam Bastick
  • Length: 338 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: Holy Macro! Books
  • Publication Date: 2022-09-01
  • ISBN-10: 1615470727
  • ISBN-13: 9781615470723
  • Sales Rank: #590352 (See Top 100 Books)
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    Book Description

    Just like a shovel, this book is genuinely ground-breaking. It hits you over the head with the proverbial gardening tool, implementing the way forward for financial modelling. Many working in banking and finance create their financial models in Excel and then import them into Power BI for graphical interpretation and further analysis. Not on our watch. We’re going to jettison the universal spreadsheet and build the entire model in Power BI.

    We can’t stress how far off the range we’re taking the horses. If you are reading this, you are a true pioneer. Some have managed to build the odd financial statement in Power BI, but all three?

    This is where you can gain a major advantage in the workplace. If you build the calculations for financial statements in Power BI, you can produce statements by product, by customer, by geography… Get the picture? The limitation will be restricted to the granularity of the underlying data and your imagination.

    This book unearths some of the tricks, measures, logic and tools needed to build the model (there is no need to bury your mistakes). We just can’t promise you a rose garden…

    With the usual jokes in spades, it’s just a shame we couldn’t get Doug (get it?) to assist.


    书名:Financial Modelling in Power BI: Forecasting Business Intelligently

    就像一把铲子一样,这本书真的是开创性的。它用众所周知的园艺工具击中了你的头,实现了金融建模的前进道路。许多在银行和金融业工作的人在Excel中创建他们的财务模型,然后将其导入Power BI进行图形解释和进一步分析。在我们眼皮底下是不行的。我们将抛弃通用电子表格,在Power BI中构建整个模型。

    我们不能强调我们把马带到了多远的地方。如果你正在读这篇文章,你就是一个真正的先驱者。有些人成功地在Power BI中建立了奇怪的财务报表,但这三个都是吗?

    这是你可以在工作场所获得主要优势的地方。如果您在Power BI中构建财务报表的计算,您可以按产品、客户、地理位置生成报表,明白了吗?限制将限于底层数据的粒度和您的想象力。



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