PCI Compliance: Understand and Implement Effective PCI Data Security Standard Compliance, 5th Edition


PCI Compliance: Understand and Implement Effective PCI Data Security Standard Compliance, 5th Edition

  • Author:Branden WilliamsJames Adamson
  • Length: 314 pages
  • Edition: 5
  • Publisher: CRC Press
  • Publication Date: 2022-12-22
  • ISBN-10: 0367570025
  • ISBN-13: 9780367570026
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    Book Description

    The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is now in its 18th year, and it is continuing to dominate corporate security budgets and resources. If you accept, process, transmit, or store payment card data branded by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or JCB (or their affiliates and partners), you must comply with this lengthy standard.

    Personal data theft is at the top of the list of likely cybercrimes that modern-day corporations must defend against. In particular, credit or debit card data is preferred by cybercriminals as they can find ways to monetize it quickly from anywhere in the world. Is your payment processing secure and compliant? The new Fifth Edition of PCI Compliance has been revised to follow the new PCI DSS version 4.0, which is a complete overhaul to the standard. Also new to the Fifth Edition are: additional case studies and clear guidelines and instructions for maintaining PCI compliance globally, including coverage of technologies such as Kubernetes, cloud, near-field communication, point-to-point encryption, Mobile, Europay, MasterCard, and Visa. This is the first book to address the recent updates to PCI DSS and the only book you will need during your PCI DSS journey. The real-world scenarios and hands-on guidance will be extremely valuable, as well as the community of professionals you will join after buying this book.

    Each chapter has how-to guidance to walk you through implementing concepts and real-world scenarios to help you grasp how PCI DSS will affect your daily operations. This book provides the information that you need in order to understand the current PCI Data Security Standards and the ecosystem that surrounds them, how to effectively implement security on network infrastructure in order to be compliant with the credit card industry guidelines, and help you protect sensitive and personally identifiable information. Our book puts security first as a way to enable compliance.

    • Completely updated to follow the current PCI DSS version 4.0
    • Packed with tips to develop and implement an effective PCI DSS and cybersecurity strategy
    • Includes coverage of new and emerging technologies such as Kubernetes, mobility, and 3D Secure 2.0
    • Both authors have broad information security backgrounds, including extensive PCI DSS experience



    支付卡行业数据安全标准(PCI DSS)现已进入第18个年头,它继续主导着企业的安全预算和资源。如果您接受、处理、传输或存储Visa、万事达卡、美国运通、Discover或JCB(或其附属公司和合作伙伴)品牌的支付卡数据,您必须遵守这一冗长的标准。

    个人数据盗窃是现代企业必须防范的可能网络犯罪的首要问题。特别是,信用卡或借记卡数据更受网络犯罪分子的青睐,因为他们可以在世界任何地方找到快速货币化的方法。您的支付处理是否安全且合规?新的第五版 PCI合规性 已进行修订,以遵循新的PCIDSS版本4.0,这是对该标准的全面修订。第五版还新增了:额外的案例研究以及在全球范围内维护PCI合规性的明确指南和说明,包括覆盖Kubernetes、云、近场通信、点对点加密、移动、欧洲支付、万事达卡和Visa等技术。这是第一本介绍PCIDSS最新更新的书,也是您在PCIDSS之旅中唯一需要的书。真实世界的场景和实践指导将是非常有价值的,以及购买本书后您将加入的专业人士社区。


    • 完全更新以遵循当前的PCIDSS版本4.0
    • 提供了开发和实施有效的PCIDSS和网络安全策略的提示
    • 涵盖新技术和新兴技术,如Kubernetes、移动性和3D Secure 2.0
    • 两位作者都有广泛的信息安全背景,包括丰富的PCIDSS经验
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