The Code Book: How to Make It, Break It, Hack It, Crack It


The Code Book: How to Make It, Break It, Hack It, Crack It

  • Author:Simon Singh
  • Length: 272 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: Delacorte Press
  • Publication Date: 2003-08-12
  • ISBN-10: 0385730624
  • ISBN-13: 9780385730624
  • Sales Rank: #18458 (See Top 100 Books)
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    Book Description

    It’s known as the science of secrecy. Cryptography: the encoding and decoding of private information. And it is history’s most fascinating story of intrigue and cunning. From Julius Caesar and his Caesar Cipher to the code used by Mary Queen of Scots and her conspiracy to the use of the Engima machine during the Second World War, Simon Singh follows the evolution of secret writing.

    Accessible, compelling, and timely, this international bestseller, now adapted for young people, is sure to make readers see the past—and the future—in a whole new way.

    From the Hardcover edition.Calling upon accounts of political intrigue and tales of life and death, author Simon Singh tells history’s most fascinating story of deception and cunning: the science of cryptography–the encoding and decoding of private information. Based on The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography, this version has been abridged and slightly simplified for a younger audience. None of the appeal for curious problem-solving minds has been lost, though. From Julius Caesar to the 10th-century Arabs; from Mary Queen of Scots to “Alice and Bob”; from the Germans’ Enigma machine to the Navajo code talkers in World War II, Singh traces the use of code to protect–and betray–secrecy. Moving right into the present, he describes how the Information Age has provided a whole new set of challenges for cryptographers. How private are your e-mail communications? How secure is sending your credit card information over the Internet? And how much secrecy will the government tolerate? Complex but highly accessible, The Code Book will make readers see the past–and the future–in a whole new light. (Ages 14 and older)

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. The Cipher of Mary Queen of Scots
    Chapter 2. The Anonymous Codebreaker
    Chapter 3. The Mechanization of Secrecy
    Chapter 4. The Language Barrier
    Chapter 5. Alice and Bob Go Public
    Chapter 6. Pretty Good Privacy





    摘自精装版。作家西蒙·辛格通过讲述政治阴谋和生死故事,讲述了历史上最引人入胜的欺骗和狡猾故事:密码学对私人信息的编码和解码。基于 密码书:从古埃及到量子密码学的保密学,这个版本已被删节,并为更年轻的受众略作简化。然而,对于好奇的解决问题的头脑来说,并没有失去任何吸引力。从尤利乌斯·凯撒到10世纪的阿拉伯人;从苏格兰的玛丽女王到爱丽丝和鲍勃;从德国人的谜语机器到二战中的纳瓦霍密码说话者,辛格追溯了密码的使用来保护和泄露机密。进入现在,他描述了信息时代如何为密码学家提供了一系列全新的挑战。您的电子邮件通信有多私密?通过互联网发送您的信用卡信息有多安全?政府能容忍多大程度的保密?很复杂,但很容易接近, 《代码手册》 将使读者以全新的视角看待过去和未来。(14岁及以上)


    Chapter 4. The Language Barrier

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