Practical Python Programming Practices (101 Common Projects): Master python programming with 101 best python programming practices for absolute beginners to excel in the industry


Practical Python Programming Practices (101 Common Projects): Master python programming with 101 best python programming practices for absolute beginners to excel in the industry

  • Author:Ejike IfeanyiChukwuEmenwa Global
  • Length: 125 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2021-04-09
  • ISBN-10: B0926ZMLHY
  • Sales Rank: #504605 (See Top 100 Books)
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    Book Description

    Welcome to 101 Python programming best practices for absolute beginner! Learning Python programming language and understanding Python programming language are two different things. Almost every student enjoy learning Python programming language. But, only a few number of these students actually understand Python programming language afterwards. This is where the remaining students are left behind and kept wandering from one course to another over the internet to get the best knowledge on understanding Python programming language with cups of coffee on their table everyday.

    101 Python programming best practices for absolute beginner is a comprehensive and concise guide that is designed to pick up every interested student from the state of “zero-knowledge” to a state of “Hero-knowledge” in Python programming with lots of practical Python projects.

    Why Must I Take This Course?

    Emenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience.



    欢迎学习面向绝对初学者的101 Python编程最佳实践!学习Python编程语言和理解Python编程语言是两码事。几乎每个学生都喜欢学习Python编程语言。但是,这些学生中只有几个人后来真正理解了Python编程语言。这就是剩下的学生被留在后面的地方,他们每天都会在桌上放着咖啡,从一门课程闲逛到另一门课程,以获得理解Python编程语言的最好知识。

    《101 Python编程最佳实践绝对初学者》是一本全面而简明的指南,旨在通过大量实用的Python项目,帮助每一位对Python编程感兴趣的学生从“零知识”状态到“英雄知识”状态。


    Emenwa Global讲师是行业专家,拥有多年在行业领先公司构建软件的实际经验。他们正在分享他们所知道的一切,向世界各地成千上万的学生传授最热门的技术和非技术技能(这些技能通常被忽视),以最有效的方式传授给世界各地的学生,这样你就可以控制自己的生活,在技术世界中释放无穷无尽的令人兴奋的新职业机会,无论你的背景或经验如何。

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