Masterking Kali linux: Hack It or Crack It, 2nd Edition


Masterking Kali linux: Hack It or Crack It, 2nd Edition

  • Author:Ajay Kumar Tiwari
  • Length: 248 pages
  • Edition: Second
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Publication Date: 2015-10-26
  • ISBN-10: 1518786987
  • ISBN-13: 9781518786983
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    Book Description

    n this age, where online information is at its most vulnerable, knowing how to execute the same attacks that hackers use to break into your system or network helps you plug the loopholes before it’s too late and can save you countless hours and money. Kali Linux is a Linux distribution designed for penetration testing and security auditing. It is the successor to BackTrack, the world’s most popular penetration testing distribution. Discover a variety of popular tools of penetration testing, such as information gathering, vulnerability identification, exploitation, privilege escalation, and covering your tracks. Packed with practical recipes, this useful guide begins by covering the installation of Kali Linux and setting up a virtual environment to perform your tests. You will then learn how to eavesdrop and intercept traffic on wireless networks, bypass intrusion detection systems, and attack web applications, as well as checking for open ports, performing data forensics, and much more. The book follows the logical approach of a penetration test from start to finish with many screenshots and illustrations that help to explain each tool in detail.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Up and Running with Kali Linux
    Chapter 2: Customizing Kali Linux
    Chapter 3: Advanced Testing Lab
    Chapter 4: Information Gathering
    Chapter 5: Vulnerability Assessment
    Chapter 6: Exploiting Vulnerabilities
    Chapter 7: Escalating Privileges
    Chapter 8: Password Attacks
    Chapter 9: Wireless Attacks


    书名:Masterking Kali linux: Hack It or Crack It, 2nd Edition

    在这个在线信息最容易受到攻击的时代,知道如何执行黑客用来侵入你的系统或网络的攻击,有助于你在为时已晚之前堵塞漏洞,并可以节省你无数的时间和金钱。Kali Linux是一个旨在进行渗透测试和安全审计的Linux发行版。它是BackTrack的继承者,后者是世界上最受欢迎的渗透测试分发版。了解各种流行的渗透测试工具,例如信息收集、漏洞识别、攻击、权限提升和掩盖您的踪迹。这本实用指南包含了实用的食谱,首先介绍了Kali Linux的安装,并设置了一个虚拟环境来执行测试。然后,您将学习如何窃听和拦截无线网络上的流量,绕过入侵检测系统,攻击Web应用程序,以及检查打开的端口、执行数据取证等。本书自始至终遵循渗透测试的逻辑方法,有许多屏幕截图和插图,帮助详细解释每个工具。


    第1章:启动并运行Kali Linux
    第2章:定制Kali Linux
    Chapter 4: Information Gathering

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