Learning Modern Linux: A Handbook for the Cloud Native Practitioner


Learning Modern Linux: A Handbook for the Cloud Native Practitioner

  • Author:Michael Hausenblas
  • Length: 250 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: O’Reilly Media
  • Publication Date: 2022-08-16
  • ISBN-10: 1098108949
  • ISBN-13: 9781098108946
  • Download:Register/Login to Download
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    Book Description

    Whether you’re new to Linux or have some experience, this practical book shows you how to master various tasks with this operating system–not just system administration. Cloud native professionals including developers, architects, DevOps practitioners, and site reliability engineers will learn how to use and program Linux in different modern environments, from embedded systems such as the Raspberry Pi to the virtual machine of your cloud provider of choice.

    Along the way, you’ll gain hands-on experience with modern terminals, shells, and commands, use Linux networking, and learn how to manage your workloads, all with the goal of implementing modern Linux observability. You’ll also understand how to run Linux applications in modern ways by using containers, systemd, modern filesystems, and immutable distros such as Flatcar and Bottlerocket.

    With this book, you will:

    • Use Linux as a modern programming environment, not just as an admin tool
    • Learn critical components such as the kernel, terminal multiplexer, human-friendly shells, and portable scripting
    • Become familiar with access control, from file permissions to capabilities
    • Understand the role of filesystems as a fundamental building block in Linux
    • Gain hands-on experience with the Linux networking stack and tooling
    • Learn how to apply modern operating system observability to manage your workloads
    • Share data using SSH, rsync, and cloud sync mechanisms


    书名:Learning Modern Linux: A Handbook for the Cloud Native Practitioner

    无论你是Linux的新手还是有一定经验,这本实用的书都会告诉你如何使用这个操作系统来完成各种任务,而不仅仅是系统管理。包括开发人员、架构师、DevOps从业者和站点可靠性工程师在内的云本地专业人员将学习如何在不同的现代环境中使用和编程Linux,从Raspberry PI之类的嵌入式系统到您选择的云提供商的虚拟机。

    在此过程中,您将获得现代终端、外壳和命令的实践经验,使用Linux网络,并学习如何管理您的工作负载,所有这些都是为了实现现代的Linux可观察性。您还将了解如何通过使用容器、系统、现代文件系统和不变的发行版(如Flat Car和Bottlerocket)以现代方式运行Linux应用程序。


    • 将Linux用作现代编程环境,而不仅仅是管理工具
    • 学习关键组件,如内核、终端多路复用器、友好的外壳和可移植脚本
    • 熟悉访问控制,从文件权限到功能
    • 了解文件系统在Linux中作为基本构建块的作用
    • 获得Linux网络堆栈和工具的实践经验
    • 了解如何应用现代操作系统可观察性来管理工作负载
    • 使用SSH、rsync和云同步机制共享数据
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