Learn Python: Step-By-Step Guide to Master Python Quickly With Clear Exercises and 3 Hands-On Projects


Learn Python: Step-By-Step Guide to Master Python Quickly With Clear Exercises and 3 Hands-On Projects

  • Author:Joey Rosso
  • Length: 139 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2020-05-30
  • ISBN-10: B089G7T6N7
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    Book Description

    Are you interested in learning the basics of Python?

    Have you tried to learn programming in the past, but never found the right course?

    Or perhaps you know other programming languages but are interested in mastering the Python language quickly?

    Do you think that you retain information better by doing than by simply watching others do?

    If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU.

    Learn Python #1 is rapidly becoming the solution that Operators turn to with its powerful combination of a friendly syntax, and vast advantages.
    This guide is an introduction to the different versions of Python, where you’ll have an opportunity to learn how to code and use different automated solutions.
    In this guide, you’ll be introduced to the basic concepts of Python, its consoles, IDEs, and many more.
    Furthermore, you’ll learn the importance of the Python as the Perfect language to code in, and associated syntax you need for the particular task you want to accomplish.
    Every section will be going to let you create a successful habit and an excellent strategy to quickly find the right commands, the proper syntax of the commands, and then running it to get the required results.

    The guide is designed to teach you:

    • Python’s major built-in object types such as numbers, lists, and dictionaries
    • Objects with Python statements, and Python’s general syntax model
    • Functions to avoid code redundancy and package code for reuse
    • Statements, functions, and other tools into larger components with modules
    • Python’s exception-handling model and development tools
    • Advanced Python tools, including decorators, descriptors, metaclasses, and Unicode processing

    Why is this book different?

    Because Joey Rosso doesn’t believe that explaining a concept verbally is enough. This book’s philosophy is centered around you and what’s best to give you active knowledge. This book wants you to put knowledge into action, not just passively grasp concepts. That’s why it breaks down hard concepts into manageable chunks and guides you in the process of becoming an active programmer with 3 hands-on projects.

    Don’t wait and Grab your Copy Now!!


    书名:Learn Python: Step-By-Step Guide to Master Python Quickly With Clear Exercises and 3 Hands-On Projects

    Are you interested in learning the basics of Python?





    Learn Python #1 正迅速成为运营商寻求的解决方案,其强大的组合友好的语法和巨大的优势。


    • Python’s major built-in object types such as numbers, lists, and dictionaries
    • 对象,以及Python语言的通用语法模型
    • 避免代码冗余并将代码打包以供重复使用的函数
    • 将语句、函数和其他工具整合为具有模块的更大组件
    • Python的异常处理模型和开发工具
    • 高级Python工具,包括修饰符、描述符、元类和Unicode处理




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