Python for SAS Users: A SAS-Oriented Introduction to Python


Python for SAS Users: A SAS-Oriented Introduction to Python

  • Author:Randy BetancourtSarah Chen
  • Length: 434 pages
  • Edition: 1st ed.
  • Publisher: Apress
  • Publication Date: 2019-09-23
  • ISBN-10: 1484250001
  • ISBN-13: 9781484250006
  • Sales Rank: #171990 (See Top 100 Books)
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    Book Description

    Business users familiar with Base SAS programming can now learn Python by example. You will learn via examples that map SAS programming constructs and coding patterns into their Python equivalents. Your primary focus will be on pandas and data management issues related to analysis of data.

    It is estimated that there are three million or more SAS users worldwide today. As the data science landscape shifts from using SAS to open source software such as Python, many users will feel the need to update their skills. Most users are not formally trained in computer science and have likely acquired their skills programming SAS as part of their job.

    As a result, the current documentation and plethora of books and websites for learning Python are technical and not geared for most SAS users. Python for SAS Users provides the most comprehensive set of examples currently available. It contains over 200 Python scripts and approximately 75 SAS programs that are analogs to the Python scripts. The first chapters are more Python-centric, while the remaining chapters illustrate SAS and corresponding Python examples to solve common data analysis tasks such as reading multiple input sources, missing value detection, imputation, merging/combining data, and producing output. This book is an indispensable guide for integrating SAS and Python workflows. 

    What You’ll Learn

    • Quickly master Python for data analysis without using a trial-and-error approach
    • Understand the similarities and differences between Base SAS and Python
    • Better determine which language to use, depending on your needs
    • Obtain quick results

    Who This Book Is For

    SAS users, SAS programmers, data scientists, data scientist leaders, and Python users who need to work with SAS



    熟悉Base SAS编程的企业用户现在可以通过示例学习Python。您将通过示例了解如何将SAS编程结构和编码模式映射到它们的Python等效项。您的主要重点将是熊猫和与数据分析相关的数据管理问题。


    因此,目前学习Python的文档和过多的书籍和网站都是技术性的,不适合大多数SAS用户。适用于SAS用户的Python 提供了目前可用的最全面的一组示例。它包含200多个Python脚本和大约75个类似于Python脚本的SAS程序。第一章更多地以Python为中心,而其余几章说明了SA和相应的Python示例,以解决常见的数据分析任务,如读取多个输入源、缺失值检测、补偿、合并/组合数据和生成输出。这本书是集成SAS和Python工作流不可或缺的指南。


    • 在不使用试错法的情况下快速掌握用于数据分析的Python
    • 了解基本SAS和Python之间的异同
    • 最好根据您的需要确定使用哪种语言
    • 快速见效

    Who This Book Is For


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