Python for Professionals: Hands-on Guide for Python Professionals


Python for Professionals: Hands-on Guide for Python Professionals

  • Author:Matt Telles
  • Length: 386 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: BPB Publications
  • Publication Date: 2019-12-18
  • ISBN-10: 9389423759
  • ISBN-13: 9789389423754
  • Sales Rank: #3484395 (See Top 100 Books)
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    Book Description

    Learn to be a Python expert in ten easy lessons!

    Key Features

    • Acquire knowledge of Python programming simply and easily.
    • Learn about object-oriented programming and how it applies to Python.
    • Make a splash with list comprehensions, generators, and decorators.
    • Learn about file processing with Python, and how it makes JSON easy to deal with.
    • Work with dictionaries and sets quickly and easily.
    • Learn about what others have made available in the Python world.
    • Pick up tricks and tips that will make you look like a Python expert in no time.

    This book is intended for the professional programmer who wants to learn Python for their place of business, or simply to extend their knowledge. You will learn the basics of the language–from how to define variables and implement looping and conditional constructs, to working with existing code. Once we have established the baseline for writing code in Python, you’ll learn how to create your own functions and classes, how to extend existing code, and how to work with Python-specific things like comprehensions and generators. With a solid foundation, you will then move on to learn about the existing Python libraries, called packages, and how to use them, as well as discovering little tips and tricks that will make you a hit with all the programmers at work, and really aid you in nailing that programming interview.

    What will you learn
    By the time you have finished this book, you will know enough to write complex Python programs and work with existing Python code. You will find out about the packages that make Python one of the most popular programming languages and will understand the “Pythonic” way of thinking and programming.

    Who this book is for
    This book is designed for programmers who have experience in at least one programming language. No prior Python experience is necessary, but it is assumed that you understand the basics of loops, conditionals and object-oriented constructs, such as classes. You should have or have access to a system that runs Python 3 (any version).

    Table of Contents

    1. The history and installation of Python
    2. Python types and constructs
    3. The Nuts and Bolts
    4. Structuring your Python projects
    5. Object-oriented programming with Python
    6. Advanced manipulations
    7. File input and output
    8. Imports and Exports
    9. Miscellaneous
    10. Not re-inventing the wheel
    11. Tips and Tricks

    About the Author
    Matt Telles is a 35-year veteran in the software industry. He has worked with virtually all programming languages and has been a developer, manager, tester, and designer. He’s been working on Python for several years and is constantly extending his knowledge in the field.
    Matt is married with three children, lives in New York, in the United States. He has a menagerie of cats, dogs and a turtle, and loves reading books on his Microsoft Surface on the train to work every morning.

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    书名:Python for Professionals: Hands-on Guide for Python Professionals


    Key Features

    • 简单、轻松地获取Python编程知识。
    • 了解面向对象编程以及如何将其应用于Python。
    • 用列表理解、生成器和装饰器引起轰动。
    • 了解如何使用Python进行文件处理,以及它如何使JSON更易于处理。
    • 轻松快捷地使用词典和套装。
    • 了解其他人在Python世界中提供了什么。
    • 掌握一些技巧和小贴士,它们会让你很快看起来像是一名Python专家。




    Table of Contents

    1. Python的历史和安装
    2. Python类型和构造
    3. 螺丝钉和螺栓
    4. 构建您的Python项目
    5. Object-oriented programming with Python
    6. Advanced manipulations
    7. 文件输入和输出
    8. 进出口
    9. Miscellaneous
    10. 不是重新发明轮子
    11. Tips and Tricks

    About the Author
    马特已婚,有三个孩子,住在美国纽约。他养了一群猫、狗和一只乌龟,每天早上在上班的火车上,他喜欢在他的Microsoft Surface上看书。


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