Ansible Configuration Management, 2nd Edition


Ansible Configuration Management, 2nd Edition

  • Author:Daniel Hall
  • Length: 132 pages
  • Edition: 2
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing
  • Publication Date: 2015-04-30
  • ISBN-10: 1785282301
  • ISBN-13: 9781785282300
  • Sales Rank: #4179903 (See Top 100 Books)
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    Book Description

    Leverage the power of Ansible to manage your infrastructure efficiently

    About This Book

    • Configure Ansible on your Linux and Windows machines effectively
    • Extend Ansible to add features such as looping, conditional executions, and task delegations
    • Explore the capabilities of Ansible from basic to more advanced topics with the help of this step-by-step guide

    Who This Book Is For

    This book is intended for anyone who wants to learn Ansible starting from the basics. Some experience of how to set up and configure Linux machines and a working knowledge of BIND, MySQL, and other Linux daemons is expected.

    What You Will Learn

    • Manage your Windows machines with Ansible
    • Use Ansible’s command-line tools to interrogate systems
    • Interact with modules and deploy cloud infrastructures
    • Process data inside Ansible and extend the functionality of Ansible
    • Learn how to store secrets in Ansible’s vault and discover other source code management techniques
    • Build maintainable configurations for large environments
    • Write custom Ansible plugins efficiently
    • Extend the functionality of Ansible by writing your own modules

    In Detail

    Ansible is an open source software platform for configuring and managing computers. It provides a clear and concise way to manage the configuration of your Linux infrastructure. This book is a step-by-step guide that provides you with the knowledge you require to effectively manage your systems in a simple, quick, and maintainable way, with real-world examples.

    You will begin by learning the basics of Ansible and then move on to exploring more advanced topics. You will then learn the basic and complex operations of playbooks and interact with modules to manage Windows machines and deploy them. You will also get acquainted with Ansible’s more advanced features such as serially updating machines, delegating tasks to other machines, advanced uses of variables, looping and conditions, copying whole directories, and using filters to process variables. Towards the end of the book, you will learn how to increase the functionality of Ansible itself by writing your own modules and plugins.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Getting Started with Ansible
    Chapter 2: Simple Playbooks
    Chapter 3: Advanced Playbooks
    Chapter 4: Larger Projects
    Chapter 5: Custom Modules


    书名:Ansible Configuration Management, 2nd Edition


    About This Book

    • 在您的Linux和Windows计算机上有效配置Anable
    • 扩展Anable以添加循环、条件执行和任务委派等功能
    • 在本分步指南的帮助下,从基本主题到更高级的主题都可以了解Anable的功能



    What You Will Learn

    • 使用Anable管理您的Windows计算机
    • 使用Ansible的命令行工具来询问系统
    • 与模块交互并部署云基础架构
    • 在Anable内部处理数据,并扩展Anable的功能
    • 了解如何在Ansible的保险库中存储机密并发现其他源代码管理技术
    • 为大型环境构建可维护的配置
    • 高效编写自定义Anable插件
    • 通过编写自己的模块来扩展Anable的功能

    In Detail



    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Getting Started with Ansible

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