Learn Enough JavaScript to be Dangerous: A Tutorial Introduction to Programming with JavaScript


Learn Enough JavaScript to be Dangerous: A Tutorial Introduction to Programming with JavaScript

  • Author:Michael Hartl
  • Length: 304 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
  • Publication Date: 2022-05-26
  • ISBN-10: 0137843747
  • ISBN-13: 9780137843749
  • Sales Rank: #11989937 (See Top 100 Books)
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    Book Description

    All You Need to Know, and Nothing You Don’t, to Write JavaScript for the Web and Beyond

    JavaScript plays a key role in modern software development, not only because it is the only language that runs inside virtually all web browsers, but also because it has become widely used for back-end and general-purpose development as well. Although JavaScript is a big language, you don’t need to learn everything about it to get started–just how to use it efficiently to solve real problems. In
    Learn Enough JavaScript to Be Dangerous,
    renowned instructor Michael Hartl teaches the specific concepts, skills, and approaches you need to be professionally productive.

    Even if you’ve never programmed before, Hartl helps you quickly build technical sophistication and master the lore you need to succeed. Treating JavaScript as a general-purpose language right from the start, Hartl offers examples for creating dynamic effects in browsers and for writing scripts and modules using Node.js. Focused exercises help you internalize what matters, without wasting time on details pros don’t care about. Soon, it’ll be like you were born knowing this stuff–and you’ll be suddenly, seriously dangerous.

    Learn enough about . . .
    Rapidly deploying a simple JavaScript app to the live Web Working with strings and other native JavaScript objects Applying functions and elegant, powerful functional-programming techniques Creating new objects with both properties and methods Writing tests and improving code with test-driven development (TDD) Developing and using self-contained, modular NPM software packages Adding interactivity with event listeners, dynamic HTML forms, and DOM manipulation Writing useful, nontrivial JavaScript shell scripts Building an industrial-grade interactive website with JavaScript, from start to finish Michael Hartl’s Learn Enough series includes books and video courses that focus on the most important parts of each subject, so you don’t have to learn everything to get started–you just have to learn enough to be dangerous and solve technical problems yourself.


    书名:Learn Enough JavaScript to be Dangerous: A Tutorial Introduction to Programming with JavaScript


    著名的讲师Michael Hartl讲授提高专业效率所需的具体概念、技能和方法。

    即使您以前从未编程过,Hartl也会帮助您快速建立技术复杂性,并掌握成功所需的知识。Hartl从一开始就将JavaScript视为一种通用语言,提供了在浏览器中创建动态效果以及使用Node.js编写脚本和模块的示例。专注的练习可以帮助你将重要的东西内在化,而不是把时间浪费在专业人士不关心的细节上。很快,它就会像你一样 born 知道了这些东西,你就会突然严肃起来 dangerous.

    快速将简单的JavaScript应用程序部署到实时Web上使用字符串和其他原生JavaScript对象应用函数和优雅、强大的函数式编程技术创建具有属性和方法的新对象编写测试并使用测试驱动开发(TDD)改进代码开发和使用独立、模块化的NPM软件包添加与事件监听器、动态HTML表单和DOM操作的互动性编写有用的、重要的JavaScript外壳脚本使用JavaScript从头到尾构建一个工业级互动网站Michael Hartl’的《学习足够》系列包括专注于每个主题最重要部分的书籍和视频课程;你不必学到所有的东西才能入门,你只需要学到足够的知识,然后自己解决技术问题就行了。

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