Native Mobile Development: A Cross-Reference for iOS and Android


Native Mobile Development: A Cross-Reference for iOS and Android

  • Author:Mike DunnShaun Lewis
  • Length: 426 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: O’Reilly Media
  • Publication Date: 2019-11-26
  • ISBN-10: 1492052876
  • ISBN-13: 9781492052876
  • Download:Register/Login to Download
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    Book Description

    Get professionally developed and curated recipes for 20 of the most common tasks for functionality in modern native iOS and Android applications. With this practical book, developers can use an easily translatable set of instructions for completing routine functionality in both platforms in a way that follows best practices.

    Authors Shaun Lewis and Mike Dunn provide step-by-step direction to help you create a fully-functional application using modern practices and designs that will utilize those tasks. The development of the apps will be laid out side-by-side, so that the friction usually involved in switching between platforms while developing is greatly reduced. By the end of this book, you’ll have developed apps for both iOS and Android with exactly the same core features, as well as some additional features that are relevant and unique to each app’s operating system.




    作者Shaun Lewis和Mike Dunn提供了循序渐进的指导,帮助您使用现代实践和设计创建功能齐全的应用程序,这些实践和设计将利用这些任务。应用的开发将并排布局,从而大大减少了开发过程中通常涉及的平台切换的摩擦。到本书结束时,你将已经为iOS和Android开发了具有完全相同的核心功能的应用程序,以及一些与每个应用程序的操作系统相关和唯一的附加功能。

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