Pro Android Web Apps: Develop for Android using HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript


Pro Android Web Apps: Develop for Android using HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript

  • Author:Damon OehlmanSébastien Blanc
  • Length: 392 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: Apress
  • Publication Date: 2011-02-22
  • ISBN-10: 1430232765
  • ISBN-13: 9781430232766
  • Sales Rank: #2750011 (See Top 100 Books)
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    Book Description

    Developing applications for Android and other mobile devices using web technologies is now well within reach. When the capabilities of HTML5 are combined with CSS3 and JavaScript, web application developers have an opportunity to develop compelling mobile applications using familiar tools. Not only is it possible to build mobile web apps that feel as good as native apps, but to also write an application once and have it run a variety of different devices.

    While the HTML5 specification is still evolving, there is a lot that can be used right now to build mobile web apps. Mobile web apps are now starting to provide many of the features that were once only available to native-language-based apps in Java, Objective-C, etc. Pro Android Web Apps teaches developers already familiar with web application development, how to code and structure a web app for use on the Android mobile platform.

    • Understand both the why and how of mobile web app development, focusing on the Android platform.
    • Learn how to structure mobile web apps through a number of practical, real-world application examples.
    • Discover what cloud platforms such as Google AppEngine have to offer Android web apps, for both hosting web apps and providing device to cloud data synchronization solutions.
    • Get a real picture of the status of HTML5 on Android and other mobile devices, including some things to watch out for when building your own applications.
    • Understand the capabilities of the web application stack, and how to complement those with native bridging frameworks such as PhoneGap to access native features of the device.
    • Gain an understanding of the different UI frameworks that are available for building mobile web apps.
    • Learn how to include mapping and leverage location-based services in mobile web apps to create engaging mobile experiences.
    • Enable social integration with your Android web app and gain access to millions of potential users.

    After reading this book, you will not only have a greater understanding of the world of web apps on Android, but also how to leverage additional tools and frameworks to increase the reach of your mobile web apps. Additionally, through the practical samples in the book you will have been given solid exposure of where both the opportunities and challenges lie when building mobile apps the web way.

    What you’ll learn

    • What Android web apps can do, and when to use web development rather than native development to create an application.
    • How to use existing JavaScript and CSS frameworks to create rich mobile user interfaces.
    • When to use HTML5 and when to use a native bridging framework to access native Android functionality.
    • Connext with cloud services and APIs to build engaging location based services and games.
    • Enable social integration with your Android web app and gain access to millions of potential users.

    Who this book is for

    This book is targeted at web developers looking to transfer their skills over to mobile application development. Readers will understand that Android is continuing to gain momentum in the marketplace and will want to build an application specifically for that platform. They will have a strong desire to use web technologies rather than the native tools to build applications, either due to personal taste or to gain cross-platform mobile portability for the majority of their application code.

    Table of Contents

    1. Getting Started
    2. Building a Mobile HTML Entry Form
    3. HTML5 Storage APIs
    4. Constructing a Multipage App
    5. Synchronizing with the Cloud
    6. Competing with Native Apps
    7. Exploring Interactivity
    8. Location Based Services and Mobile Mapping
    9. Native Bridging with PhoneGap
    10. Integrating with Social APIs
    11. Mobile UI Frameworks Compared
    12. Polishing and Packaging an App for Release
    13. The Future of Mobile Computing
    14. Appendix: Debugging Android Web Apps


    书名:Pro Android Web Apps: Develop for Android using HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript


    虽然HTML5规范仍在发展中,但现在有很多可以用来构建移动Web应用程序。移动Web应用程序现在开始提供许多功能,而这些功能以前只能在Java、Objective-C等基于本地语言的应用程序中使用。 专业Android Web应用程序 教授已经熟悉Web应用程序开发的开发人员,如何编写和构建在Android移动平台上使用的Web应用程序。

    • 了解为什么和如何开发移动网络应用程序,重点是Android平台。
    • 通过大量实际的应用程序示例,了解如何构建移动Web应用程序。
    • 了解Google AppEngine等云平台必须提供哪些Android Web应用程序,用于托管Web应用程序和提供设备到云数据同步解决方案。
    • 了解HTML5在Android和其他移动设备上的状态,包括在构建自己的应用程序时需要注意的一些事项。
    • 了解Web应用堆栈的功能,以及如何使用本机桥接框架(如PhoneGap)来补充这些功能,以访问设备的本机功能。
    • 了解可用于构建移动Web应用程序的不同UI框架。
    • 了解如何在移动Web应用程序中包含地图和利用基于位置的服务,以创建引人入胜的移动体验。
    • 启用与Android Web应用的社交集成,并获得数百万潜在用户的访问权限。



    • Android Web应用程序可以做什么,以及何时使用Web开发而不是本地开发来创建应用程序。
    • 如何使用现有的JavaScript和CSS框架创建丰富的移动用户界面。
    • 何时使用HTML5以及何时使用原生桥接框架来访问原生Android功能。
    • ConNext使用云服务和API构建引人入胜的基于位置的服务和游戏。
    • 启用与Android Web应用的社交集成,并获得数百万潜在用户的访问权限。

    Who this book is for



    1. 开始
    2. 构建一个Mobile HTML条目表单
    3. HTML5存储API
    4. 构建多页面应用程序
    5. 与云同步
    6. 与本地应用程序竞争
    7. 探索互动性
    8. 基于位置的服务和移动地图
    9. 使用PhoneGap的本地桥接
    10. 接入社交API
    11. 比较移动用户界面框架
    12. 打磨和打包应用程序以供发布
    13. 移动计算的未来
    14. 附录:调试Android Web应用程序


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