Teacher Man : A Memoir


Teacher Man
: A Memoir









Nearly a decade ago Frank McCourt became an unlikely star when, at the age of sixty-six, he burst onto the literary scene with Angela's Ashes, the Pulitzer Prize — winning memoir of his childhood in Limerick, Ireland. Then came 'Tis, his glorious account of his early years in New York.

Now, here at last, is McCourt's long-awaited book about how his thirty-year teaching career shaped his second act as a writer. Teacher Man is also an urgent tribute to teachers everywhere. In bold and spirited prose featuring his irreverent wit and heartbreaking honesty, McCourt records the trials, triumphs and surprises he faces in public high schools around New York City. His methods anything but conventional, McCourt creates a lasting impact on his students through imaginative assignments (he instructs one class to write "An Excuse Note from Adam or Eve to God"), singalongs (featuring recipe ingredients as lyrics), and field trips (imagine taking twenty-nine rowdy girls to a movie in Times Square!).

McCourt struggles to find his way in the classroom and spends his evenings drinking with writers and dreaming of one day putting his own story to paper. Teacher Man shows McCourt developing his unparalleled ability to tell a great story as, five days a week, five periods per day, he works to gain the attention and respect of unruly, hormonally charged or indifferent adolescents. McCourt's rocky marriage, his failed attempt to get a Ph.D. at Trinity College, Dublin, and his repeated firings due to his propensity to talk back to his superiors ironically lead him to New York's most prestigious school, Stuyvesant High School, where he finally finds a place and a voice. "Doggedness," he says, is "not as glamorous as ambition or talent or intellect or charm, but still the one thing that got me through the days and nights."

For McCourt, storytelling itself is the source of salvation, and in Teacher Man the journey to redemption — and literary fame — is an exhilarating adventure.





评论 ······

很少看英文书也能看得有共鸣。整套书里没有用引号,感觉像是作者不停在说脑袋里在想什么,就像平时我一个人的时候脑袋里面总会不停想些乱七八糟的事情。每一部都很精彩,最喜欢的还是第一部作者写童年的时候。爸爸说宝宝是「第七级台阶上的天使」带来的,然后作者就每天坐在第七级台阶上和天使说话。虽然童年很艰辛,但是作者用一个儿童的视角来纯净了所有善恶。simply very touching and sweet! …


mr mccourt挣扎在两种文化中间,中学教育和学术研究中间。技术学校的学生每个人都有自己的问题。斯坦纳的句子再次,文字的世界是否削弱了对真实世界的锐度,是的。以及以前没有仔细想过的爱尔兰的问题(伊格尔顿关于大饥荒和文章和论文化中隐藏的线,Sally Rooney的Dublin)。学生和老师,不同的文化,又类似何伟的江城。另一个角度看到beat一代的语境,Holden始终不满意的phony wo…

Fear to freedom.


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