Hands-On Web Application with Javascript Frameworks and NoSQL


Hands-On Web Application with Javascript Frameworks and NoSQL

  • Author:Piyas De
  • Length: 169 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2014-01-27
  • ISBN-10: B00I3JLTAK
  • Sales Rank: #2297385 (See Top 100 Books)
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    Book Description

    The technology is transforming traditional structural data programming to non-structural one, server side work are emerging with JavaScript. So this book is a quick walk-through of some of those tools and how those are integrated…with codes hands-on. We may think this e-book as a collective starting point of some of new technologies in Web Frameworks for coming days of newcomers…

    Table of Contents

    1. Starting the Web Server with Javascript
    2. Javascript in OOP Way – some interesting study
    3. A Simple jQuery Image Slider Plugin with minimal effects
    4. Simple Bar Graph with d3.js and Prototype.js – a Javascript Class based Approach
    5. Concepts in Angular.js Application Development
    6. Angular.js Service and Dependency Injection
    7. Angular.js $watch and $observe – a brief look
    8. Angular.js Promise and Deferred Api – Implementation Explained
    9. JavaScript Testing Framework – Jasmine – a quick study
    10. Angular.js Tests with Jasmine
    11. jQuery Plugin under Angular.js Directive – a more clean html approach
    12. D3.js in Angular.js Directive – a relief from D3 svg code in HTML Page
    13. Simple Bar Graph in Angular Directive with d3.js and Prototype.js – a Javascript Class based Approach
    14. Simple Bar Graph in Angular Directive with d3.js and Prototype.js – Element based Directive Definition
    15. Creating Google Chrome Extension to add a Custom RSS Feed Reader
    16. Task List with Angular.js, HTML5 Local Storage and Decorate with Bootstrap in Google Chrome Extension
    17. Preliminary Concepts of Graph Database
    18. A Case Study in Graph Database in Context of Neo4j Cypher Query
    19. Quick Glance at Neo4j Cypher Queries for Sample Graph Database
    20. Develop Web Application with Node.js, Express.js REST Service and Neo4j (neo4j-js module)
    21. A Quick Primer on MongoDB
    22. Single Page Application with Angular.js, Node.js and MongoDB (MongoJS Module)
    23. Web Application with Highchart.js, Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB(Mongo-JS Module)
    24. Real-time Data update with Angular.js, Node.js and Socket.io
    25. Single Page Application with Angular.js, Node.js and CouchDB (Cradle Module)
    26. POST requests with Google DART, Node.js and MongoDB
    27. Node.js Unit Testing with Should.js
    28. Developing Java REST web applications with Backbone.js





    1. 使用Java脚本启动Web服务器
    2. 以面向对象的方式进行的一些有趣的研究
    3. 一个简单的jQuery图像滑块插件,效果最小
    4. 使用D3.js和Prototype.js&#8211的简单条形图;一种基于Java脚本类的方法
    5. Concepts in Angular.js Application Development
    6. Angular.js服务和依赖注入
    7. Angular.js$Watch和$Obview–一个简短的外观
    8. 解释Angular.js承诺和延迟Api–实现
    9. 快速学习JASMINE测试框架
    10. Angular.js与茉莉的测试
    11. jQuery Plugin under Angular.js Directive – a more clean html approach
    12. Angular.js指令中的D3.js–消除了HTML页面中的D3 SVG代码
    13. 用D3.js和Prototype.js实现角度方向的简单条形图–一种基于Java脚本类的方法
    14. 基于D3.js和Prototype.js的角度方向简单条形图–基于元素的方向定义
    15. 创建Google Chrome扩展以添加自定义RSS提要阅读器
    16. 在Google Chrome扩展中使用Angular.js、HTML5本地存储和Bootstrap装饰的任务列表
    17. 图形数据库的初步概念
    18. Neo4j Cypher查询环境下图形数据库的实例研究
    19. 样本图数据库Neo4j Cypher查询快速浏览
    20. 使用Node.js、Express.js REST服务和Neo4j(ne4j-js模块)开发Web应用程序
    21. A Quick Primer on MongoDB
    22. 带有Angular.js、Node.js和MongoDB(MongoJS模块)的单页应用
    23. 支持Highchart.js、Node.js、Express.js和MongoDB的Web应用程序(Mongo-JS模块)
    24. Real-time Data update with Angular.js, Node.js and Socket.io
    25. 带有Angular.js、Node.js和CouchDB(Cradle模块)的单页应用程序
    26. 使用Google Dart、Node.js和MongoDB发布请求
    27. 使用Should.js进行Node.js单元测试
    28. 使用Backbone.js开发Java REST Web应用程序
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