Starting Out with App Inventor for Android


Starting Out with App Inventor for Android

  • Author:Rebecca HalseyTony Gaddis
  • Length: 696 pages
  • Edition: Global ed
  • Publisher: Pearson Education Limited
  • Publication Date: 2015-05-21
  • ISBN-10: 1292080329
  • ISBN-13: 9781292080321
  • Sales Rank: #7064274 (See Top 100 Books)
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    Book Description

    In Starting Out with App Inventor for Android, Tony Gaddis and Rebecca Halsey teach the fundamentals of programming while simultaneously showing students how to create fun, useful, and imaginative apps. Because App Inventor allows students to create apps and see them running on a phone, programming becomes a personally meaningful skill. Gaddis’s highly accessible, step-by-step presentation presents all the details needed to understand the “how” and the “why”-but never loses sight of the fact that most novice programmers struggle with this material. His gradual approach ensures that readers understand the logic behind developing high-quality programs. Teaching and Learning Experience This program presents a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students. It will help:

    • Engage Students with Dynamic Mobile Apps: Students not only learn how to create their own apps, they can actually see them run on their phone or the Android emulator.
    • Enhance Learning with the Gaddis Approach: Gaddis’s accessible approach features clear and easy-to-read code listings, concise real-world examples, and exercises in every chapter.
    • Motivate Learning: When students learn they can easily create their own mobile apps, they become motivated to learn programming-whether that is in the CSO or CS1 course.
    • Integrate App Inventor in the Classroom: App Inventor can be used in a variety of ways in the classroom, and this text is designed to accommodate all of them.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and App Inventor
    Chapter 2 Working with Media
    Chapter 3 Input, Variables, and Calculations
    Chapter 4 Decision Blocks and Boolean Logic
    Chapter 5 Repetition Blocks, Times, and Dates
    Chapter 6 Procedures and Functions
    Chapter 7 Lists
    Chapter 8 Storing Data on the Device
    Chapter 9 Graphics and Animation
    Chapter 10 Working with Text
    Chapter 11 Text to Speech and Text Messaging
    Chapter 12 Sensors
    Chapter 13 Other App Inventor Capabilities
    Appendix A Setting Up App Inventor
    Appendix B Connecting an Android Device to App Inventor
    Appendix C Uploading Your Application to App Inventor Gallery and Google Play Store
    Appendix D Component Reference
    Appendix E Answers to Checkpoints


    书名:从适用于Android的App Inventor开始

    从App Inventor for Android开始,Tony Gaddis和Rebecca Halsey教授编程的基础知识,同时向学生展示如何创建有趣、有用和富有想象力的应用程序。由于App Inventor允许学生创建应用程序并看到它们在手机上运行,编程成为一项对个人有意义的技能。Gaddis高度易懂、循序渐进的演示展示了理解这些材料所需的所有细节-如何以及为什么–但永远不会忘记这样一个事实,即大多数新手程序员都在努力学习这些材料。他的循序渐进的方法确保了读者理解开发高质量节目背后的逻辑。教与学体验本课程为您和您的学生提供了更好的教与学体验。它将有助于:

    • 让学生接触动态移动应用程序:学生不仅可以学习如何创建自己的应用程序,他们还可以实际看到这些应用程序在他们的手机或Android模拟器上运行。
    • 使用Gaddis方法增强学习:Gaddis的易访问方法具有清晰易读的代码清单、简洁的现实世界示例和每章的练习。
    • 激励学习:当学生们了解到他们可以轻松创建自己的移动应用程序时,他们就会有动力学习编程–无论是在CSO课程还是在CS1课程中。
    • 将App Inventor整合到课堂中:App Inventor可以在课堂上以多种方式使用,本文旨在适应所有这些方式。


    第1章编程和App Inventor简介
    Chapter 2 Working with Media
    Chapter 6 Procedures and Functions
    Chapter 12 Sensors
    第13章App Inventor的其他功能
    附录A设置App Inventor
    附录B将Android设备连接到App Inventor
    附录C将您的应用程序上传到App Inventor库和Google Play商店

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