Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament


Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament









Now a New York Times bestseller!

The book you need right now is finally here! From beloved spiritual teacher Michael A. Singer—author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, The Untethered Soul—this transformative and highly anticipated guide will be your compass on an exciting new journey toward self-realization and unconditional happiness.

Now more than ever, we’re all looking to feel more joy, happiness, and deeper meaning in our lives. But are we looking in all the wrong places? When our sense of wholeness depends on things or people outside ourselves—whether it’s a coveted job, a new house, a lavish vacation, or even a new relationship—sooner or later we’re bound to feel unsatisfied. That’s why we must look inside for real freedom, love, and inspiration. But how do we embark on this inner journey?

Living Untethered is the book to reach for. At once profoundly transcendent and powerfully practical, it provides clear guidance for moving beyond the thoughts, feelings, and habits that keep you stuck—so you can heal the pain of the past and let your spirit soar. On each page, you’ll discover a deeper understanding of where your thoughts and emotions come from, and how they affect your natural energy flow. Finally, you’ll find freedom from the psychological scars, or samskaras, that block you and keep you from reaching your highest potential.

It’s time to stop struggling and start experiencing. This miraculous book will show you how to put the spiritual teachings of Michael A. Singer into practice every day, and propel you toward a life of liberation, serenity, openness, and self-knowledge.

Isn’t it time you started Living Untethered?

This book is co-published by New Harbinger Publications, Inc., the premier publisher of psychology and self-help books for nearly fifty years; and Sounds True, the leading multimedia publisher of original works by world-renowned spiritual teachers.


Michael A. Singer is a spiritual teacher and author of two New York Times bestsellers: The Untethered Soul and The Surrender Experiment. In 1975, he founded the yoga and meditation center known as Temple of the Universe. In addition, he has made major contributions in the areas of business, education, health care, and environmental protection. Visit him at

评论 ······

Michael Singer 五月份才出的一本新书,为了教别人如何做到随缘、放下、臣服,他也真是掰开了、揉碎了、操碎了心,甚至连天地洪荒、宇宙大爆炸都扯上了……科学的那部分真的可以跳过,但后三分之二越来越精彩。目前就我看来,灵性作家里面Singer 排第一,欢迎反驳,哈哈。

A good read @ 平安夜。

内心的能量会自发的流动。情绪源于内心的卡点。事物是客观存在的,大爆炸演变至今形成了一切being. The moment in front of u is not personal at all. 情绪波动是samskaras的外在,是内心图式的投射。
let it go,保持觉察,给想法一些空间,让它释放,让能量融化它。人只是作为experiencer去体验生活,坐看云起时。不受mind干扰,才…

A good read @ 平安夜。


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