

1. Java 编程思想(Java Programming Thought),作者:Bruce Eckel
2. 算法导论(Introduction to Algorithms),作者:Thomas H. Cormen、Charles E. Leiserson、Ronald L. Rivest、Clifford Stein
3. 计算机程序设计艺术(The Art of Computer Programming),作者:Donald E. Knuth
4. 编程珠玑(Programming Pearls),作者:Jon Bentley
5. C 编程语言(The C Programming Language),作者:Brian W. Kernighan 、Dennis M. Ritchie
6. 程序员修炼之道(The Pragmatic Programmer),作者:Andrew Hunt 、David Thomas
7. 计算机程序设计论(Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs),作者:Harold Abelson 、Gerald Jay Sussman
8. 算法(Algorithms),作者:Robert Sedgewick
9. 软件架构设计(Software Architecture in Practice),作者:Len Bass 、Paul Clements、Rick Kazman
10. 编写可读性强的代码(Clean Code),作者:Robert C. Martin
11. UNIX 编程环境(The UNIX Programming Environment),作者:Brian W. Kernighan 、Rob Pike
12. 编程精粹(Code Complete),作者:Steve McConnell
13. 编程精要(Programming Principles and Practice Using C++),作者:Bjarne Stroustrup
14. 计算机网络(Computer Networks),作者:Andrew S. Tanenbaum
15. 计算机系统设计与实现(Computer System Design and Implementation),作者:Andrew S. Tanenbaum
16. 计算机系统分析(Computer System Analysis),作者:Andrew S. Tanenbaum
17. 操作系统(Operating System),作者:Andrew S. Tanenbaum
18. 高性能网络(High Performance Network),作者:W. Richard Stevens
19. 程序设计语言(Programming Language),作者:John C. Mitchell
20. 数据结构与算法分析(Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis),作者:Mark Allen Weiss
21. 深入理解计算机系统(Understanding the Computer System),作者:Randal E. Bryant、David R. O’Hallaron
22. 编程珍典(Programming Pearls),作者:Jon Bentley
23. 程序员的自我修养(The Self-Taught Programmer),作者:Cory Althoff
24. 算法:C 语言实现(Algorithms in C),作者:Robert Sedgewick
25. 计算机程序的构造与解释(Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs),作者:Harold Abelson 、Gerald Jay Sussman 、Julie Sussman


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