How I Sold 1 Million eBooks in 5 Months


How I Sold 1 Million eBooks in 5 Months

  • Author:John Locke
  • Length: 170 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: Telemachus Press
  • Publication Date: 2011-06-17
  • ISBN-10: 1935670913
  • ISBN-13: 9781935670919
  • Sales Rank: #466500 (See Top 100 Books)
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    Book Description

    Now, for the first time ever, John Locke reveals the marketing system he created to sell more than 1,100,000 eBooks in five months! His Credentials: John is the eigth author in the world-and the first self-published author in history-to have sold 1 million eBooks on Kindle! He is the first self-published author to hit #1 on the Amazon/Kindle Best Seller’s List, and the first to hit both #1 and #2 at the same time! He is a New York Times best-selling author! He has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and Entertainment Weekly! He has had 4 of the top 10 books on Amazon/Kindle at the same time, including #1 and #2! He has had 7 books in the top 34 and 8 books in the Top 50 at the same time! These numbers are not positions within a category. They are positions that include all Kindle sales including fiction, non-fiction, magazine subscriptions, and game apps! By the middle of March, 2011, it had been calculated that “every 7 seconds, 24 hours a day, a John Locke novel is downloaded somewhere in the world.” …All this was achieved PART TIME, without an agent, publicist, and at virtually no marketing expense!



    现在,John Locke有史以来第一次披露了他创建的营销系统,在五个月内售出了超过110万本电子书!他的资历:约翰是世界上第八位在Kindle上售出100万本电子书的作家,也是历史上第一位自我出版的作家!他是第一位在亚马逊/Kindle畅销书排行榜上荣登榜首的自助出版作家,也是第一位同时登上榜首和榜单第二的作家!他是《纽约时报》的畅销书作家!他曾登上《华尔街日报》和《娱乐周刊》!他同时拥有亚马逊/Kindle上排名前十的图书中的四本,包括排名第一和排名第二的图书!他有7本书进入了前34名,同时有8本书进入了前50名!这些数字不是一个类别中的职位。这些职位包括所有Kindle销售,包括小说、非小说、杂志订阅和游戏应用程序!到2011年3月中旬,据计算,每隔7秒、每天24小时,约翰·洛克的小说就会在世界上的某个地方被下载。所有这一切都是兼职实现的,没有经纪人、公关人员,也几乎没有营销费用!

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